Ideal Stencils: Customer stencils pics No.1
Hello From Ideal Stencils. Things have been getting very busy on the stencil front. With loads of custom requests and interesting little projects going on. We always really appreciate it when customers send us in pictures of what they have used the stencils for. I’ve sieved through the sent in photo’s and picked out some of the varied ways in which our stencils have recently been used. We can create custom stencils for any purpose in any size and on a selection of film thickness’s. Just send us an email to, tell us what you want and attach a design if you have one…On with he show…

A selection of A2 sized stencils from our famous icons range used to great effect on the outside of this pub. A few bits of masking tape to hold the stencil in place and It only takes a minute to spray paint the image and for your time – a much more unique exterior to attract the punters…nice job!
From outside to inside! Our queen 1st class stamp stencil looks great painted onto this revamped and repainted bedside table. The table painted in letter box red and the stencil painted on using white acrylic. Its really easy to stamp your personality onto anything using a stencil, just decide what you want to paint and do it. This patriotic themed bedroom is fit for royalty!!
Manopener: spanner/beer bottle opener all in one. This customer wanted some thing to mark their product in a quick and easy way… so came to us for a custom stencil.
Look at the wooden crate, made as a centre flower display for the tables at a wedding reception. It has been stencilled with the brides and grooms name and date using a custom cut stencil. Stencils can be used to mark and personalise a whole host of things. We think that the stencils worked really well here.
Sadly David Bowie passed away and we saw a few Bowie stencils being posted out. This stencil has been used to help decorate this tribute cake and we think that it looks out of this world. And we think If Bowie saw it he would be over the moon!
That wraps it up for this blog post. We hope you enjoyed seeing just some of the ways that our stencils are being used.
If you want to check us out then please visit our site at or email us at
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