Hello, Recently we were doing some personal stencilling projects that we wanted to share on the blog. A friend was having  a hen party and we made her a personalised  ‘BRIDE’ vest to give as a present. She loves skulls, so we also personalised it on the back with a  skull motif. We used gold paint for that one on a  black T shirt. Then with the skull stencil and an eager daughter at the ready, we found out a top and stencilled her, her own unique skull T shirt. Kids love stencilling, it is engaging creative and simple to do.

Please view the pics from our stencilling projects.

Skull stenciling on Fabrics projects


Any fabrics can be stencilled. Try stencilling your own cushion covers or curtains using fabric paints to match your interior colour scheme, or a plain old lamp shade can be turned into a masterpiece with stencils and a little paint.

Whatever your home decor project think stencils. You can create unique designs that no one else has and plus you get the reward of creating something yourself.

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